Jaiden was born 4 years ago today on October 14th. It was a very cold and rainy day. (It's amazing how cold it was and it's going to be 80 today!) Jaiden was 7 lb and 4 oz. I think she was 19" long. I was only in labor with her for 4 hours so the epidural barely had time to kick in. After my first night of not getting any sleep and having a screaming baby, we found that she is allergic to milk. That first night was rough!
Jaiden is "little Ryan". She looks just like him. Ryan's great-grandmother was Japanese and when Jaiden was born she really looked Asian. More of the Asian ancestry shows in Jaiden than it does in Arya.
Jaiden is a very independent and funny girl! She always has to do things herself. She has picked out her own clothes for the last two years. She does a good job matching, for the most part! Jaiden loves shoes, purses, and wearing dresses. She is total girl!!
Jaiden, Have a GREAT Birthday!!! Mommy, Daddy, Arya, and Daisy love you very much!
I hope you family has a wonderful day:)
ReplyDeleteHave a great birthday jaiden, if you want daddy will get your new bike fixed today. I love you sweetie
ReplyDeleteBirthday Greetings from the cold and rainy state of Kansas!
ReplyDeleteYou are a very cute girl and I hope that your birthday was a good one!
Oops, I got on here just in time to wish you a very Happy Birthday from Saskatchewan Canada. Hope you had a lovely day! :)
ReplyDeleteLeeW on Voy (southshoreartist)
ReplyDeleteI hope I'm not too late with this greeting.
Hi Jaiden! I hope you had a very happy birthday yesterday. You are very pretty! Have another happy day today!!
ReplyDeleteHi Jaiden,
ReplyDeleteHope you had a wonderful birthday.
Many Best wishes are coming for you all the way from the island of Malta.
Happy belated Birthday...
ReplyDeleteSorry I'm late, lots going on.