Thursday, September 17, 2009

It's Been Forever!

It's been forever since I last posted and I've had a lot going on!

Last Wednesday, we put Daisy the dog down. Ryan took it especially hard, but I have been okay.

2 weeks ago, we captured a pregnant, stray cat to take to the humane society. We took her and the society told me that they were going to have to put the cat down since she was pregnant. I couldn't knowingly let them put her down, so I brought her back. We are now "foster owners" until I can find her a good home.

Our cat, Nutmeg, went missing for several days. Our neighbor came knocking on our door with Nutmeg under his arm. She had fallen asleep on one of his flatbed trailers and he unknowingly took her for a ride. She spent several days over at his old house. He went over there to check on things and saw Nutmeg coming in and out through his old dryer vent. We were so happy to have her back.

Then, we finally took our Myrtle Beach vacation. It was wonderful! We spent 13 1/2 hours in the car each way. The girls were very good in the car considering the long drive! We got there Saturday evening and left Tuesday morning. It was so much fun! The girls had a great time seeing the beach and the ocean for the first time. I took tons of pictures and I will post them when I have more time.

While we were on vacation, our foster cat, Peaches, had 5 kittens. They are all now living in our bathroom until we can find a good home for them. They are just the cutest things. I have some pictures of them also.

The farmer's market is still doing extremely well. I have started selling my pickles and relishes by the case. We just spent the entire weekend canning over 200 different items.

As far as crafts go, I hope to have a new project up by next week. I have an idea for a cute pet bed. I also have a few other things in mind to start sharing again.


  1. Busy lady and family. Sorry about Daisy and glad you got Nutmeg back safe and sound. :)

  2. Sorry about Daisy.
    It's nice to know that you all had a nice holiday, and also nice to know of the new kittens and that Nutmeg is back home with you.

  3. Ditto to all of the above...welcome back Amber...nice to have you back in the blogging world, we missed you.
    So happy to know you all had a great holiday and I look forward to more pics.

  4. Hi Amber, I just looked at your Vacation pictures. I live 1 hour and 15 minutes from Myrtle Beach and my brother lives 15 minutes from there. It is a beautiful place. I know you and your family had a great time.
