Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Yuck, Ick, We're Sick!

Arya started with a runny nose on Friday and it has progressed into a bronchial infection. I took her to the doctor today because she had such a deep cough. She has been very weak and clingy. The doctor gave her steroids and some other antibiotic and said she should be better in 2 days.

I woke up with it this morning. My eye was matted shut and my throat is killing me. I am burning up then I freeze. I hoping that I feel better tomorrow so I can get some housework done. I have been taking Alka Seltzer cold, and that usually does the trick.

On another note, my uncle came up from Florida to spend Thanksgiving. Since he had gotten here, he experienced dizziness and headaches. He went to the emergency room on Friday and they found 3 tumors on his brain, and one of them was bleeding. They transported him down to University Hospital in Cincinnati to find out what exactly what was going on. He is having surgery tomorrow to see if they can remove the tumors. Thank god, none of them are cancerous.

I will keep everyone updated, but if I'm not around for a while, you know why. Please keep my family in your thoughts!


  1. Oh Amber I'm so sorry for the trying moments, I will keep you, your family and your uncle in my prayers.

  2. I'm so sorry to hear about all the sickness. I hope everyone will be well soon.

  3. Oh Amber how awful! It is always so hard when a little one is sick...and even worse when mom is sick also. I pray that you both recover quickly. I am glad they discovered the tumors in your uncle's brain rather than them continuing to go undetected. I will pray for God to guide the doctor's hands and that all goes well with the surgery. Get better soon!

  4. Aw, hon.... sorry you and family are sicky!!! Get well soon!!!! Be praying for all of you.

  5. Oh I am so sorry to hear you have a sick bay. Take care Amber, I am keeping you all as well as your uncle in my prayers.
