Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Remodel Time!! Part 1

I am sure you noticed that I haven't been around here for a while. Well, we have started our house remodel. The wall we want to take down (to make the kitchen and the family room one big room)contains the old coal stove pipe chimney. The chimney runs from the cellar to the roof. A few weeks ago, Ryan began taking down the chimney in the attic, brick by brick. We then progressed into my bedroom, brick by brick. We then had to throw each brick out the window and then load them into our truck for removal. We now have a big, gaping hole in our bedroom wall for the time being. With Jaiden's room being on the other side of the wall, we are going to make that space a closet for her room (old house, no closets).

We got our income tax back and now have the money to move forward! This past weekend, we started on the kitchen/bathroom/laundry room remodel. As I have said before, our house was build without plumbing. When the owners decided to install plumbing in the house, they sure didn't use common sense in the placing of the items. Our bathroom sits under the stairs that lead to our bedrooms. As you can imagine, there is not a lot of room there. We have never had a shower because there is no room to stand up straight when you are in certain areas. So, in order to have a shower, the bathroom has to be moved.

Next order of business is the kitchen sink. It is in its own separate room that separates the kitchen from the bathroom. My dad build some custom cabinets and besides the sink, that is all that is in the room. In thinking outside the box, I wanted my kitchen sink in the kitchen. Maybe I'll be starting a new trend(note the sarcasm here)!! This weekend, Ryan ran all of the plumbing a moved the sink into the kitchen. I tore down the walls in the old sinkroom to make way for tile for our new shower.

Once we get the bathroom moved to its new location (the old sinkroom), the old bathroom will be a laundry room. This will enable us to get the washer and dryer out of my kitchen.

As for part 2, we are waiting for our bathtub to come in, it had to be special ordered due to the smaller size. After that comes, we can really start seeing some major progress. Hope you enjoy the pictures!!

This is the chimney up in the attic

Chimney is attic gone!

Looking down into the old pipes inside the chimney

Our bedroom wall. The circle is where the old pipe came out of the wall to heat the room

Almost gone!

The huge mess we had in our bedroom

This is the sink before.

This is the kitchen before

My sink is now where the table was in the picture above. It won't look as odd once we get rid of the old counter top, fill the rest of the space with cabinets, and get a new counter top that runs the span of the cabinets.

These are all of the old sinkroom where I tore the walls out.


  1. Hi Amber it's nice to see you have found the time to post on your blog. I imagined you were keeping very busy with remodelling your house. WOW that's alot of work!
    Good Luck!
    Thanks for leaving your comments on my blog posts, I was happy to find you had paid me a visit.

  2. Hi Amber, how lovely to see you are back on your blog. I knew you were busy but from the pictures I think you were really, really busy. Once everything is in place you'll be so glad you went through all of this.
    It was nice to find you had visit ed my blog...thanks for your comments.
    Hugs and Blessings,
