Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Tooth Fairy Exchange

This year, Jaiden got a ton of candy trick-or-treating! We asked her if she wanted to participate in the "Tooth Fairy exchange". She was so excited and wanted to. What the exchange is; Jaiden trades her Halloween candy to the Tooth Fairy for a toy or some money. She leaves her candy out and the next morning the Tooth Fairy has left her a new toy.

We did let Jaiden keep a lot of her candy but she got way too much for a 4 year old! We just didn't want to take the candy away from her, after all, she did the "work" to get it. We came up with this as a good alternative.

She traded this:

For this:


Anonymous said...

Great idea! We're sending "most" of ours to the Troops :)

krisijo said...

Great Idea! We got way to much! i can't believe people handed out handfulls this year!

HDMac said...

What a GREAT idea! And so is nikowa's sending to the troops! :)